April 24, 2012

Post oral-surgery care

Here is a comprehensive list of the most imperative post oral-surgery tips to help you heal fast after your wizzies are yanked out.
1. As soon as you leave your Oral Surgeon, use icepacks on your face! The sooner you start this, the less swelling you will face. AKA you will not be roaming around like a chipmunk.

2. Do not allow the pain to set in before you take your medications. Yes, they are potent narcotics, and yes you need them. Keep in mind if you have a weak stomach like me, you are going to feel nauseous so go ahead and drink something (I drank a chocolate milkshake) along with your meds. AND NO STRAW see #5
3. Bite down on gauze for atleast 2 hours. This allows the clotting to occur faster.
You may also bite down on tea bags (it's slightly bitter) but works miracles. Take room temperature water and drench the teabags in there. The tannic acid released from the tea bags allows enhances the clotting process.

4. DO NOT RINSE YOUR MOUTH for 24 hours or you face the possibility of dislodging the clot which will then result in a dry socket which is something you really DO NOT wish to experience.

5. Do not use a straw for the first week. The suction action can (and i've seen it happen a couple times) dislodge the clot... this will result in exacerbated bleeding at best, and a dry socket at worst.

6. Please go to your follow up appointment - First you need to ensure your healing is on track. And in the worst case scenario where you may have experience parasthesia (nerve damage - like me) then they can help by prescribing you rx some glucocorticoids etc and map the area of damage.

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